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Course Description


This Certificate in Graduate Unemployment and Life after School: Preparing Yourself for the Job-Market and Beyond, is a special course designed by the TREMMBiT CONSULT under the GRaSYES Initiative, to train, develop, equip and empower the Graduates, Students and youths in developing contexts, especially, Africa, for successful corporate life after school. Besides, students who enrol in the GRaSYES Programs have the opportunity to sign up to, and become members of the TREMMBiT Consult Business Club, to receive mentorship, coaching and professional business consulting services at reduced prices, aimed at making them successful entrepreneurs and leaders in their respective fields.



The Problem

The empirical evidence on the labour market dynamics reveals that the unemployment rates in Ghana are higher among the educated than the uneducated. The available data depicted in Figure 1 below reports the lowest unemployment rate among those with no formal education followed by those with basic education. The highest rate of unemployment is reported among those with secondary education followed by tertiary graduates.

Figure 1: Unemployment Rates by Level of Educational Attainment (%)

Why are the educated, that is, those with secondary and tertiary education more unemployed in Ghana than those with no formal education?

There are two reasons that account for this trend. The first reason is that there are limited job openings in the formal sector for those with secondary or tertiary education who do not consider employment in the informal economy as an option. The second, a rather more critical reason is the problem of skill mismatch as a result of the gap between the type of training offered by academic institutions and the type of skills required for employment in the labour market.  In essence, the higher unemployment figures among the educated compared to the uneducated provides very strong evidence that the educational system has failed in averting unemployment in Ghana. The increasing phenomenon of unemployment among the educated is a reflection of the problem of skill mismatch between skills churned out by educational and training institutions and skills requirement by firms, raising concerns about the relevance of education and training on job prospects. The strong emphasis on examinations in the assessment of the performance of students in Ghana’s education system as opposed to the adoption of problem-solving and practical oriented teaching methods could be blamed for the phenomenon of skill mismatch in the Ghanaian labour market. This calls for a thorough review of the current education system in Ghana that emphasizes a shift from examination focused training to practical and problem solving education that links training with the requirements of industry.

The Motivation

The ultimate motivation of the Certificate in Graduate Unemployment and Life after School: Preparing Yourself for the Job-Market and Beyond, is to empower and equip students, graduates and the Youth in Ghana and Africa with the requisite knowledge base, information, and practical tools that would make them more effective, efficient and successful in the as Corporate Leaders.  The program content has been carefully crafted by academic and industry experts to inculcate in our Seminar Participants, the required employee (followership) and managerial mind-sets, attitudes, skills, competences and expertise that would make them excel as “job seekers” in a highly competitive global corporate and labour market ecosystem.

Course Philosophy

The philosophy of the course (Certificate in Graduate Unemployment and Life after School: Preparing Yourself for the Job-Market and Beyond) is pragmatism. The pragmatic paradigm advocates the use of mixed methods as a pragmatic way to understand human behaviour and solve societal problems – hence It employs advocates a relational epistemology (i.e. the approach to problem-solving in life are best determined by what the problem-solver deems appropriate), a non-singular reality ontology (that there is no single approach to problem-solving and all societal problems require unique solutions), a mixed-methods methodology (a combination of theory and practical applications), and a value-laden axiology (finding solutions to the problems for the benefit of people). The TREMMBiT Consult firmly believes that Entrepreneurship is the best and sustainable solution to the youth/ graduate unemployment problem in Ghana and Africa. However, it is also our firm conviction (based on the empirical evidence) that Graduate, Students and Youth in Ghana and Africa, if properly equipped with the right knowledge, attitudes, skill sets, and practical expertise, could become better prepared for the job-market.

Course Objectives

The ultimate crux of this course is to address the antecedents, consequences, and impact of Graduate Unemployment in Ghana, and provide Seminar participants with the requisite and relevant information that equips them holistically not only to secure jobs in the labor Market but also to succeed in their respective careers and emerge as top-notch industry leaders and professionals.

In particular, the course seeks to;

  1. Equip students with the basic ICT, software application, marketing, customer relationship management, communication and technical skills required to succeed in the current corporate environment.
  2. To help Graduates and Students seeking jobs to understand the Leadership Skills and Employee Attitudes they must cultivate Towards Work, in addition to understanding what Organizations Want from Graduates and employees.
  3. To expose students to the principles of marketing and equip them with the right attitudes that would make them pick up and embrace sales & marketing jobs in the industry and use them as opportunities for personal growth and career advancement.
  4. To aid Graduates and Students develop organizational leadership skills, and embrace the right ethical and moral principles for corporate success, and also master the principles of human resources management within the context of organizational behaviour and management.
  5. To help students to prepare CVs and resumes that will sell.
  6. To expose students to the attitudes they need to cultivate in order to get employed.
  7. Equip students with the tools and knowledge to Search for, and find lucrative Job Opportunities. It shall also introduce students to how to adequately prepare themselves for job interviews, how to conduct themselves during job interviews, and how to win the favour of interviewers to eventually land their dream jobs.


  • Certificate of Participation (Digital)
  • Course Materials, Lectures (Videos), PowerPoint Slides
  • Practical Workbooks
  • Supervision of Professional Curriculum (CV)Development

Mode of Course Assessment

  • Case Studies
  • Written Assignments & Reports
  • End of Course Written examination
  • Practical Business Plan Development Project.


Soft Copy format (received digitally/online).



  • Stokes, D., Wilson, N., & Mador, M. (2010). Entrepreneurship. South-Western Cengage Learning, Singapore.
  • Timmons, J. A., & Spinelli, S. (2009). New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st (8th.ed.). McGraw-Hill/Irwin: New York.

Organizational Management & Leadership

  • McShane, S. L., & Glinow, M. A. V (2008). Organizational Behaviour (4th). McGraw- Hill Companies: New York.
  • Achua, C. F., & Lussier, R. N. (2010). Effective Leadership. South-western Cengage learning: Canada.

Human Resource Management                                                                         

  • Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (2004). Human Resource Management (10th). Thompson-South Western: Singapore.
  • Snell, S., & Bohlander, G. (2007). Human resources Management. Thompson South-Western: China.

Accounting & Finance

  • Brigham, E. F., & Houston, J. F. (2008). Fundamentals of Financial Management (9th). Harcourt College Publishes: USA.

ICT & Management Information Systems

  • Laudon, K. C., & Landon, J. P. (1998). Management Information Systems. Organization & Technology (3rd). McMillian College Publishing Company: New York.

Marketing Management & Research

  • Churchill(Jr.), G. A. (2001). Basic Marketing Research (4th). South-Western Thomas Learning: USA.

What Will I Learn?

  • By the end of the course, students should be able to:
  • 1. Make use of Microsoft Office Suite to deal with basic problems related to information management.
  • 2. Understand how to use Microsoft Excel to perform basic functions, PowerPoint to Presentation, and MS Word for Report Writing.
  • 3. Use other online tools and search engine such as google for information search and retrieval.
  • 4. Learn some basic things about emails management.
  • 5. Understand the Leadership Skills and Employee Attitudes they must cultivate Towards Work, in addition to understanding what Organizations Want from Graduates and employees.
  • 6. Embrace the right attitudes that would make them pick up and embrace sales & marketing jobs in the industry and use them as opportunities for personal growth and career advancement.
  • 7. Develop organizational leadership skills, embrace the right ethical and moral principles for corporate success, and also understand the principles of organizational and workplace success.
  • 8. Prepare CVs and resumes that will sell.
  • 9. Internalize the right attitudes they need to cultivate in order to get employed.
  • 10. Acquire the tools and knowledge to Search for, and find lucrative Job Opportunities.
  • 11. Appreciate how to adequately prepare themselves for job interviews, how to conduct themselves during job interviews, and how to win the favour of interviewers to eventually land their dream jobs.

Topics for this course

36h 10m 20s

GRASYES 109 Introduction to ICT for Job Efficiency and Workplace Performance?

This course seeks to equip students with the basic ICT skills required to succeed in the current labour market landscape. Students shall be introduced to some basic software packages for enhancing productivity in the workplace. The course structure is as follows: Part I: Introduction to the Concepts of Information and Data The Concept of Information & Data Types of Data The Concept of Information Communication Technology Part II: Basic ICT Tools for Business & Economic Research & Report Writing Report Writing Tools: Microsoft Office Suite (Word) Spreadsheet Tools: MS Excel Presentation Tools: MS PowerPoint Storage & Data Management Tools: MS Access & Data Base etc. Online Search Tools: Google, Google Scholar, Yahoo etc. Literature Review Tools: Qiqqa Citation & Reference Management Tools: MS Word,, Endnote. Spelling and Grammar Checking Tools: Grammarly, PerfectIt & Antidote. Part III: Introduction to Industry Software Packages for; Accounting & Finance, Procurement & Supply Chain, Marketing Analytics & Sales Forecasting, Digital Marketing, HRM software etc.

GRASYES 110 Leadership Skills and Employee Attitude Towards Work: What Organizations Want from Graduates?

The goal of this course is to help students understand and develop the right attitudes towards work, and learn how to operate successfully within the organizational environment. The course will also help Graduates (job-seekers) appreciate what exactly employers and organizations expect to see in young Graduates before they can hire them.

GRASYES 111 Fundamentals of Marketing Management & Research?

This course will expose students to the principles of marketing. It shall place a special focus on integrated marketing communications and digital and social media marketing. It will also introduce students to how to conduct market research. The course would also help Graduates and students to prepare themselves to pick up the roles of direct/digital marketers in the corporate environment.

GRASYES 112 Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour, Workplace Ethics & Management?

This course will expose students to the principles of organizational behaviour and management. It will also introduce students to some basic concepts of management, in including practical issues bordering on management policies and practices in organizational environments and how they affect organizational performance and productivity. It will emphasize the concepts of Team Works and how it affects organizational performance.

GRASYES 113 Introduction to Resume Preparation?

This course seeks to help students to prepare CVs and resumes that will sell.

GRASYES 114 Employee Attitudes Required by Employers?

This course will expose students to the attitudes they need to cultivate in order to get employed.

GRASYES 115 Job-Hunting and Job-Landing Skills: How to Search for, and Find Lucrative Job Opportunities.?

This course shall help students understanding how to effectively search for jobs, where to find the jobs and how to get them. The course will also introduce students to how to adequately prepare themselves for job interviews, how to conduct themselves during job interviews, and how to win the favour of interviewers to eventually land their dream jobs.

About the instructor

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5 Courses

2 students


Material Includes

  • Lecture Notes (PDFs)
  • Microsoft Word Documents
  • PDF eBooks
  • Videos
  • Handouts
  • Assignment Workbooks
  • Spreadsheet Data.


  • No prior knowledge of any of the subjects/topics are assumed.
  • A Laptop with Windows 8 or 10 OS. Processor; Intel(R) CPU B940 @ 2.00 GHz
  • Installed Memory (RAM): 4.00 GB or higher
  • Local Hard Drive Space (Drive C): 250 GB or higher
  • System Type; 64/32-bit Operating System, x64/32-based processor with ALL THE REQUIRED SOFTWARE INSTALLED.

Target Audience

  • • Students & Graduates (J.H.S., S.H.S., Tertiary) who want to secure lucrative jobs.
  • • Ghanaian and African Youth (18 – 40yrs) who want to enter the corporate world.
  • • Any serious and passionate person who wants to make a significant contribution to the local and Global political economy.